Rein Inge Hoff - Biltema Airshow
Interview with Rein Inge Hoff Spitfire and Mustang pilot from the Biltema Airshow
Espen Tjetland - Biltema Airshow
Interview with Espen Tjetland Spitfire and Mustang pilot from the Biltema Airshow
Maciej Dominiak - Bo105.Pl Pilot
Interview with Maciej Dominiak the demo pilot of the Bo105.Pl
Captain Han-Wool Jeong
Interview with Captain Jeong Han-wool the synchro leader of the 53rd Air Demonstration Group nicknamed the Black Eagles.
„NOBLE“ German Typhoon Display Pilot
Interview with „NOBLE“ the German Air Force Typhoon display pilot for the year 2022/23.
Captain Oskari Tähtinen
Interview with Captain Oskari Tähtinen the air combat instructor pilot and a member of the Midnight Hawks display team, flying the #4 slot position
Lt. Col. Stefano Vit
Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Stefano Vit the commander of the 313th Aerobatic Training Squadron (Frecce Tricolori)
Captain Yannick “FÖNSI” Zanata
Interview with Captain Yannick “FÖNSI” Zanata the Swiss Air Force Hornet Solo Display pilot
Captain Youness Amara
Interview with Captain Youness Amara from the French Air & Space Force aerobatic team Patrouille de France
Danielle & Emiliano Del Buono
Interview with Danielle & Emiliano Del Buono the wife and husband wing-walking team.