Royal Air Force Typhoon Display Team has announced that the new Typhoon display pilot for the 2023 season will be Flight Lieutenant Matthew Brighty.
Flt Lt Matthew Brighty in front of the Blackjack
Statement from the RAF Typhoon Display Team
“The eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted a change to #blackjack recently so we've decided to announce to you early, the 2023 Typhoon display pilot is:
Flt Lt Matt Brighty
'Brighty' says: "The 2023 display season looks to be another great year and I'm looking forward to displaying the aircraft and meeting so many fans throughout. From all of us here at the Typhoon Display Team, we hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year."
The RAF Typhoon Display Team will be displaying over 12 ‘weekends’ from June through to September at many events at home and abroad. The team will again be using the ZJ914 as their primary display aircraft however it is unknown at this time if the jet which was nicknamed the ‘Blackjack’ due to its distinctive black-paint job with patriotic flourishes will retain its livery for the 2023 season.